This week WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) released their latest new plan: Personal Points. It's an exciting new personalized approach to weight loss and wellness.

This change is bringing up lots of emotions across the board. Totally understandable; it’s a unique approach unlike any other program change.
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MISP Recipes will have Personal Points!!
Before we dive into tips, I wanted to let you know starting tomorrow all the recipes on Make It Skinny Please will have the ability to check and track Personal Points!! Over the coming week we’ll be revamping the recipe card at the end of the recipe post to have a button for WW Personal Points.
You’ll need to be logged into your WW app. When you select the button the ingredients with points will populate in your app with YOUR Personal Points values.
Until the recipe card is updated there will be a button just above the recipe card that will allow you to do this. We hope this makes enjoying our recipes that much easier for your journey.
WW Personal Points Highlights
Personal Points calculates a plan based on your favorite foods to make them even more workable.
- There is now only one plan and everyone’s Personal Points (both the foods and points amount) is slightly different. No two plans will be the same.
- The new points algorithm is factoring in calories, fiber, protein, unsaturated fats, saturated fats and added sugar (SmartPoints used calories, saturated fats, protein and sugar). The bolded nutritional factors are new.
- Emphasis on the benefits of non-starchy vegetables, drinking water and exercise through ‘reward’ of earning more points by doing these things.
- A personal assessment will determine your ZeroPoints foods. There is not a standard list for all members, it's personalized.
Didn’t get a plan you like?
I’m in multiple WW forums and they have been on fire this week with new plan chatter. The Personal Points assessment is meant to take your stated favorite foods and the way you like to eat and turn that into a plan fitting your weight loss journey.
However a number of people have stated that they don’t WANT their favorite foods in their zero points list because it’s too difficult to control how much they eat.
Did you know you can retake the assessment? You can! As many times as you want to until landing on a workable plan for you. There are apparently 2000 combinations of food outcomes from the assessment so if you want to tweak things just retake it.
How to retake the assessment
In your WW app, click your profile in the top right corner (the head outline)
- Click Settings
- Click Food Settings
- Click ZeroPoint Food Settings
- When asked if you ‘Want to try something new?’ click next
- You’ll need to click a reason about changing and ‘Go to PersonalPoints Engine’
Then you can retake the assessment
Tips for Success
I will note several people in my WW Facebook forums are sharing some great first week weight losses on the plan. From 1.5 to 5 pounds! Would love to hear from you how it’s going if you are doing the plan (leave a comment below)!
I wanted to share some tips for success for the three ‘earn back’ portions of the plan. It’s a great area of personal opportunity and improved health and wellness.
Drinking more water
You can earn 1 WW Personal Point for drinking 60 ounces of water a day. NOTE: you cannot earn more than 1 point a day.
I personally believe the easier and more fun something is the more likely people are to do it (that’s true for me at least). So making drinking water easy will bring the most success.
Use a 64-ounce water bottle. This is the target amount of water for the day so if you have a 64-ounce container, fill it up first thing in the morning, you just have to finish it before the end of the day. No counting glasses.
Two 32-ounce water bottles. 64-ounce containers are large so not as easily portable. Having two containers may fit into busy lifestyles more easily. Fill them up in the morning, keep them in sight and finish before the end of the day. This style has lines to monitor progress AND motivational messages too!
Use a water bottle with a counter. These are smaller (more portable water bottles) with a counter on the top. Every time you finish a bottle move the counter to keep track. This bottle is one everyone in my family has used. There are other styles with lines on the side of the bottle so you can monitor your progress.
Use a straw. I'm not sure why this makes it easier but for me I can drink more water with a straw. I think you can drink more faster and it feels more luxurious than gulping from a glass. Metal straws don't change the flavor of the water and are easy to clean. I found some great extra long metal straws with soft removable ends that are perfect for larger water bottles. You can find them here.
Eat more vegetables
You can earn 1 WW Personal Point per 1 cup of non-starchy vegetables and the earning is unlimited! Be sure TO track them to get the extra added back point.
We all know we need to do this but it can be a challenge. Make it easy.
Eat vegetables you like! Instead of having that thought “I should eat a salad’, if salad isn’t your thing choose vegetables you really do like. Vegetables are vegetables; it’s the eating them that is important.
Prep ahead of time. Having the vegetables ready to go is a key to success. If you are hungry and have to rinse and chop vegetables you may pass and go for something else. Have them in glass jars or clear glass containers at eye level in the refrigerator so it’s the first thing you see!
Buy prepared vegetables. You can buy baby carrots, cauliflower florets, broccoli florets, pre-washed greens, cut up celery from the grocery store. If you don’t have time to prep the vegetables yourself. This is an easy success strategy.
Divide them into 1 cup portions. This is the magic amount to earn 1 WW Personal Point. Divide the vegetables into 1 cup portions which makes them easy to grab-and-go as well as track on your plan.
Moving more will add more Personal Points to your weekly budget (points amount "depends on the activity as well as your age, height, biological sex and weight"); the points will be calculated in your app.
Studies show moving more leads to better weight loss results when paired with a healthy eating plan. This doesn’t mean you need to run a marathon.
Starting is the hard part. Especially if you have not been active, just getting going is the hard part. Take a walk around the block. Park your car farther from the entrance to the store. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Look for movement opportunities wherever you are. You’ll be surprised at how that starts to add up in benefit! AND it does get easier.
Find activities you love. Whether it’s dancing to your favorite music while you clean the house or taking up a new form of exercise, if you love what you are doing you are going to do it more often and happily.
Look for ‘Activities in disguise’. This is a WW term for activities that perform exercise disguised as something else. Gardening, cleaning the house, organizing the garage. Anything that gets you moving for a sustained period.
Do a challenge. There are many groups online and in the WW Connect community for doing a personal fitness challenge. Find one that resonates for you. Having the accountability to share your results and support each other is incredibly motivating.
Use a fitness tracker. Fitbit, Apple Watch, pedometer or whatever works for you. You don't have to break the bank; get one that is affordable. Having feedback about your progress is gratifying and motivation to keep going.
Are you on the plan? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experience. Please leave a comment below.
Abida says
I loved all the points here but my favorite was drinking more water what is the most essential thing
Elise Ho says
It is interesting to learn of the changes with the new program. I like that WW seems to be concentrating on certain things that are very important.
Jennifer Prince says
Drinking more water is definitely on my list this year! I tend to drink a LOT of coffee, but I need to hydrate better for sure.
Thena Franssen says
Love these tips! Anything that is easy to follow on my weight loss journey is appreciated!
Monica Simpson says
My personal trainer friend says she only recommends WW because it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change that teaches portion control and good choices. I would love to give it a try!
Toni Dash says
Totally agree with your trainer friend!
Angela Ricardo Bethea says
I've never heard of this before but thanks for sharing this informative post with us. Water is definitely something I need to focus on not forgeting.
briannemanzb says
Its always easy to start exercising but consistency is hard. I love your tips here. Always find the things you love. I know I don't like going to the gym but I love Zumba and dancing.
Alita Pacio says
These are all great tips to lead a successful and healthy life. Our wealth is our wealth. It's a cliche but one of the greatest lessons I've had since the pandemic. Start with drinking more water
Gervin Khan says
I gained weight, and these are helpful tips to lose them. Thank you so much!
Heather Klein Wolf says
It's so hard for me to drink enough water. I'll have to try using a straw like you to see if that helps.
Christian Foremost says
Such great resources and practical tips!!! I should totally use this as a guide for my goal weight for this new year!
Gervin Khan says
I will definitely follow these tips, most especially drinking a lot of water and eating a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Predrag Kovačević says
Thanks for sharing. Great tips. I especially like the "have your veggies ready" part. Definitely, it's a drawback when you do not have them ready and have to prepare them from scratch, and you are hungry.
Tara Pittman says
I love these motivating tips for weight loss. I need to try the water bottle one.
Neely Moldovan says
I have used weight watchers for almost 5 years! Such a fan!
Miss Farah Al Zadjaly says
I loved reading this and it had great points. I definitely need to push in more water and exercising.
Christine Weis says
I hear a lot of people say that they have success with WW's personal points. I definitely need to drink more water and eat more veggies. I do exercise 3x a week and see an improvement in my overall health and weight.
Emman Damian says
This is the first time I heard about Make It Skinny Please. So cool that you have the ability to track personal points. I agree. We should all drink lots of water! Stay safe!
Heather Johnson says
very comprehensive - i had a bunch of questions and you just answered them all! thanks!
Sabra Kuykendall says
Thanks for all the work you put into this. It is helpful for all of us WWs 😊
Toni Dash says
Thank YOU for being an inspiration and part of my personal WW crew!